Category: MalerierPage 1 of 2
Her er et oppdrag jeg fikk like før jul. Det skulle være en overraskelse og en gave! Det ble en suksess! Dette er sønnen til en tidligere kollega….
Her er et oppdrag jeg fikk av en tidligere kollega. Hun ville gjerne ha et digert maleri av barna sine.
Her er min søte fine valp i action! Han har tråkket rundt med maling på labbene og jeg har malt et portrett av han oppå.
Noen jeg kjenner stilte opp som aktmodell for meg. Hun kjøpte også maleriet etterpå! det var et veldig kult prosjekt!
Her er min niese Nicoline. Hun og broren hennes elsker å bade!
Jeg hadde et ønske om å male en naken modell igjen, men jeg liker å poste bilder og filmer av prosessen på sosiale medier, og det kan fort…
Dette maleriet stod høyt på ønskelista til bryllupet hos en av mine følgere. Dette er hennes to nydelige sønner!
Dette er de vanskeligste portrettene å få til. Babyer ligner ofte ikke seg selv engang når de er så små. Jeg pleier ofte å be om at man…
Dette maleriet var en slags kopi av et maleri jeg har malt tidligere. Mamma er veldig glad i humler og liker veldig godt malerier i denne stilen og…
Her er et litt artig bilde jeg malte spesielt til utstillingen jeg nå har på Galleri Vågal. Jeg har tatt med 20 malerier til galleriet som skal få…
Her har jeg malt enda et bilde fra fotoshooten jeg hadde med venninna mi Ingerid. Hun lå på gulvet med gåret i alle retninger og jeg stod bøyd…
Her har jeg malt venninna mi Ingerid!
Every year we go to the MMMMs to celebrate Christmas. Last year I took a picture just as we all said cheers. I decided to paint it and…
One day after class I noticed some of my pupils had opened the camera app on my phone and taken some selfies. I wish I could post them…
I made this as a Christmas present for my friend Robin. He has always liked my style of painting and always asked me to paint him a portrait.
I have recently been working on a giant painting. It’s my biggest painting to date and it almost didn’t fit in my boyfriends van when we drove it…
This is my boyfriend Jonas. I call the painting daydream because it is so fitting. He is laying on our bed with crumpled bedsheets under him, closing his…
I’ve had this painting standing here unfinished for a while now, so I decided to finish it. The model is my cousin Eli whom I’ve painted several times…
I’ve been working on it for about half a year. I had a looong break where I painted other things. This painting was a challenge, but also so…
This is a dog that a friend of mine owns.
I’m so happy with how this painting turned out! This is my boyfriend and this portrait is just so him! With the bucket hat and tanned, shirtless, summer…
Portrait of my childhood dog Frøya. I miss her! She was our first dog and we spoiled her. we practically taught her to beg for food by the…
This is a painting of my cousin when she was younger, pretending to cry. I’ll explain. When I was a teenager, I was really into photography, and I…
My mum has always loved bumble bees, so I painted one for her! Here it is hanging on her bedroom wall:
My sister has two children, and I painted a portrait of the oldest one, Jomar in 2020. Now it was time to paint Nicoline also. I tried to…
Here I am collaborating with my niece and nephew. They painted a background and I painted portaits of them on top. I loved the process! I’m open for…
My friend from work asked me to paint his children. He has three beautiful children! This is one of the biggest canvases I have worked on and I…
This painting started as me wanting something to paint, but not having enough pictures of other people. So, I had a photoshoot where I took lots of pictures…
This is my second painting of the artist Dermot Kennedy. I´ve been a fan of his music for a while now, and I saw an interview he did,…
This is my wonderful cousin.
This was a commission I got from a family friend, who wanted me to paint his daughter and her horse, Mud.
My friend and colleague, Robin, modeled for me after work one day and I decided to paint him. I love the style of Valeria Duca’s painting which I…
This was a birthday gift that my colleague bought for his sister.